LGBTQ Vitamins
GBTQ Vitamins
In 2015, Body by Nature launched their first-ever LGBTQ labelled supplement, the LGBT Multi-Vitamin & Mineral (Vegan). Body by Nature delivers unique supplements made from hydroponically grown minerals. This ensures that the supplement formulations contain incredible levels of nutrients. Their LGBTQ Vitamin contains a vegetable base containing artichoke leaf, alfalfa, acai berry, spirulina and beetroot which gives the formulation extra nutrients. These also ensure that the formulation is not tampered with.
The LGBTQ vitamin supplement (LGBTQ Multivitamin and Mineral) is an all-round supportive mineral formulation. The multivitamin is suitable for individuals of all ages making it the most convenient supplement in the open market. The formulation is delivered as a capsule which clients have expressed a preference for. This is due to the ease in convincing rebellious teenagers that there is nothing to supplements.
Vegan Supplement Formula
Body by Nature supplies cutting edge supplements and vitamins money can buy. The LGBTQ vitamins are guaranteed to contain no bulkers and chemicals. The ingredients contained in the formulations make the LGBTQ vitamins work perfectly.
With a vegetable base containing extra phytonutrients, this rich formulation will provide incredible levels of the important nutrients. Some of these important nutrients include vitamin D and antioxidants.
Benefits of Body by Nature LGBTQ Vitamins
The most important benefit is that the supplement is suitable for both adults and children. The formulation of the LGBTQ Vitamin provides all-round support for adults and children of 12 years and above.
Body by Nature prides themselves in their wide range of LGBTQ vitamins and minerals. Companies are in a position to impact people's behaviours and Body by Nature believes in an all-inclusive community. The LGBTQ community has faced continuous stigma and discrimination. However, social acceptance across the world is improving.
This has prompted the need for the provision of quality and inclusive health services for the LGBTQ community. Bodies by Nature's supplements have been promoting the LGBTQ community since 2015. We feel that with several supplements being sold under the rainbow flag, we should be able to make a small difference in the amount of money that we can accumulate to help improve LGBTQ health.
Body by Nature supplements are all made from organic ingredients and no toxic chemicals, fillers, bulkers or synthetic ingredients are ever used to stabilize the formulations.
LGBTQ Health
LGBTQ Health is devoted to promoting the best healthcare for all gender and sexual minority people globally. Body by Nature forwards all the profits to the Terrence Higgins Charity in a hope to make a difference in the elimination of inequality.
Elimination of health disparities faced by the LGBTQ community is a growing concern. This is because it is necessary to enable LGBTQ individuals to lead long and healthy lives. This will ensure fewer cases of disease progression and transmission.
Despite activists using acronyms LGBTQ and LGBTQ+ for a while, the Q has come into mainstream use only recently. The HRC officially began using LGBTQ across their work in 2016. GLAAD followed issuing an announcement encouraging content creators and other media outlets to adopt using LGBTQ. This was because the preferred acronym ensured the most inclusivity which describes the community best.