Latest Offers

10% Loyalty Discount on Orders over £25!

To celebrate the launch of our new website and to thank all our loyal customers, we are offering 10% off your order when you spend £25, use code WEN10 at the checkout.

We value our customers so offer free postage on everything you buy plus we are happy to give you a further 10% off every item you buy.


15% Loyalty Discount on Orders over £85!


We have noticed lots of of loyal customers spending larger sums on supplements so we want to say thank you by offering an extra discount to those customers. Any time you spend over £85.00 use code HGB15 for a 15% discount off the total and still enjoy fast free postage.


These are the highest quality UK made safe clean supplements. Most have the Organic certification for UK manufactured supplements and vitamins.

One-Off Special Offers


We place some of our supplements on limited special offer, these usually only last a limited time and each offer has a count down on when this offer will expire. To view the current special offers see our: SPECIAL OFFERS PAGE