Uniting Friends

Body by nature supplements have a continued commitment to help others. Some charity's, are lucky to have people who support them, both financially and with giving up some time. We feel very strongly about supporting this very worth while charity, so we are allocating money from our sales directly to them on a regular basis. I know most people have already found a charity to support, but if you feel you could offer some extra help by paying forward and clicking the "add to charity button", please do so now. All money donated goes straight to the Uniting Friends charity. We thank you on behalf of the Charity for your donation & generosity. 100% of your money will go to help someone in the United Kingdom.

Uniting Friends is a UK based charity who's main purpose is helping Adults with learning difficulties. Set up in 1996, uniting Friends has helped many adults with disabilities achieve much more than even they thought they could manage. With the help of staff and volunteers, we will continue to grow and help our members enjoy the opportunities so they can have equal participation in our society.